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Paid, non-union roles available for short film "INIMICUS", filming in the Raleigh, NC area from October 7th-9th, 2022.
Casting for all roles is open to anyone within the appropriate age-range of the character, regardless of ethnicity. Since this is a film set in a fictitious universe, we want our characters to be performed by the actor or actress who is best for the role, whoever that may be.
What kind of casting notice is this? Too often, actors are left asking innumerable questions about a production - we aim to give you all of the details we possibly can so you can make an informed decision.
Our character breakdowns are a vision of the available characters. However, we want actors to make these roles their own. We give you plenty of material to help you arrive at the character's doorstep - much more than just a couple of sides. It's your job to walk through it.
Finally, we will answer every submission we receive. This is a pillar of our company and something we believe very strongly about: everyone deserves a response and basic human respect. We do not believe in the 'turnstile' nature of casting. If you took the time to submit, we will take the time to respond.
Even if you don't think you're perfect for a role, submit anyway. We are always interested in adding driven individuals to our growing network of talented professionals, and we have around a dozen or so projects on our current slate (TV series pilots and features) - you never know how the stars may align!
After struggling with PTSD for years, former soldier Clyde Duncan nearly succumbs to the battle within when a simple argument with his wife Jackie escalates into a brutal, life-threatening situation.
With strong topical subject matter, a crisp, relatable story, and an underlying theme of unity, INIMICUS aims to raise the stakes to a new level in the dramatic short film genre.
One of the main tenets of the film is the stigma surrounding PTSD. To illustrate this, none of the characters even mention the dreaded disorder but know full well what's causing Clyde's slow, but steady demise.
Ultimately, it's the strength of the person closest to Clyde that finally helps him slay the inimicus inside once and for all.
Script Pages: 18
Expected Runtime: 18-20 minutes
Format: 4k Ultra HD
Speaking Roles: 5 (4 available)
Non-Speaking Roles: 6
Crew Size: 14-16
Expected Production Budget: $7,000***
Writer/Director: Thomas Gidlow
Executive Producer: Samantha Gidlow
Production Manager: Joya Joseph
Production Manager: Michelle C. Taylor
This casting call is now closed. THANK YOU!
October 2022
Winter 2022/23
Spring 2023
Filming will take place over 3 days in Raleigh, NC
Turnaround on post production within 4 to 5 months.
With a focus on fests that lead to feature or series pickup
Reading the entirety of this page is paramount to knowing all we can possibly share about this project. We want you to make as informed a decision as possible before submitting.
Topics covered after the submission section include:
Pay Details/Compensation
Locations/Filming Dates
Union Status
COVID-19 Protocols
Safety On Set
Click here or scroll down to read these sections before you submit to avoid any potential confusion or ambiguity.
Submit Roles
***= Our budget is being self-financed. There will be no crowdfunding necessary for this short film.
We are very excited and look forward to working with highly talented and driven actors who have purpose and know what they want from their pursuits.
We strongly encourage the importance of reading this page and all related materials and documents in full before you submit.
We want to be 100% transparent with you about every aspect of this project. As well, we want you engaged every step of the way through this process.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to the expected overwhelming number of applicants, please be patient as it relates to our response times. Once again, we will be responding to all applicants across multiple platforms.
Download this Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA). We would prefer you print it, complete, sign, and then scan and save as a PDF document. We will accept digitally completed NDA's, as long as your signature is authentic.
Attach the completed NDA to an email, and send it along with the following information, to
Role Desired
First and Last Name
City/State of Residence
Headshots (2-3 preferred)
Demo Reel or Video of Work
IMDb and Social/Website Links
COVID-19 Vaccination Status**
What attracted you to our project?
**= Proof of vaccination will be required for all on-set personnel based on the accepted standard of 'fully vaccinated' as defined at the time of filming. You are NOT required to supply proof of vaccination in your application - simply list the level of vaccination you have currently.
Those chosen for consideration will be provided a follow-up email with Audition Instructions where applicable. All submissions will receive at least an initial response!
If you have any questions, you can send us an email (address above) prior to submitting.
Production Details
Brief Note: We do not believe that "food" or "catering" should be mentioned as "compensation". Food is sustenance and a basic necessity of life. We will be providing food and beverages for all cast and crew throughout the production.
All available roles include monetary pay. Day Player and Supporting roles also include travel, lodging, and transportation if needed. Click the Casting Notice linked above for the specific details on pay for each role available. As well, all cast roles include demo reel material of their work, production stills (with a 'Grant of Use' document), individual promotion on social media, a non-public digital copy of the completed short film, and IMDb credit.
All cast must sign an Actor Release Agreement and Contract (ARAC) in order to participate in our production. These are fully-binding agreements that guarantee delivery of promised items, as well as to serve to protect the production in case of a breach. Our contracts will include language that gives actors and the production company leeway when it comes to the pandemic or any other instance out of yours and our control.
We will be filming the entire short film in one location in the greater Raleigh, NC area. Updates are provided regularly to the cast as production nears, and all will be informed should anything change relating to locations.
Filming is currently slated for Friday, October 7th; Saturday, October 8th; and Sunday, October 9th, 2022. All material that is needed to be filmed or recorded will be done during this time. In the unlikely event that future pickups or ADR is needed, we will work with talent and crew to make arrangements. Due to the ongoing pandemic/endemic, delays are possible - again, we will stay in constant communication with our cast and crew throughout this process.
This short film is being shot as a non-union production. However, SAG-AFTRA-E, and/or FiCore actors are welcome to submit for any role. Our production will be covered by insurance provided by Film Emporium (NY-based firm).
We will continue to monitor the situation relating to the COVID-19 pandemic/endemic. The well-being of our cast and crew will always take precedence in any questionable climate. As stated above, we will require all cast and crew to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to the level deemed 'fully vaccinated' as of the timeframe of our production. An independent medical professional will handle verification of vaccination status prior to production - we will never have access to any of your health-related materials, including vaccination cards. As well, we will make determinations relating to masks, protocols, and other related items as we get closer to filming.
Be sure to check out a sampling of our previous work. The sizzle reel below is from "Camisado", a project currently in re-development that was paused due to the pandemic.
A final word from director/producer Thomas Gidlow regarding Safety On Set
I'll try not to be long-winded here. But after the events that transpired on the set of the independent film "Rust" in October of 2021, it sent shockwaves throughout the entire entertainment industry - including the indie scene.
In the past, I have generally been of the opinion that if you make it clear and known well in advance what is expected of cast and crew, and they agree to take on those roles, then it's up to them to perform to their best level. I often thought that if I was willing to put in long hours on set each day, and everyone else was too, then there was nothing wrong with that mentality.
But after the events of "Rust", which need not be covered here, I had to re-evaluate my stance. We've all heard or told a story or two of people (or us) being worked hard on sets, putting in 12, 14, even 18 or 20 hours work in on a given day. One of the biggest lessons I learned from that senseless tragedy is that, no matter what your budget or how many people you have on your team, working people until they can't see straight, or think, or make basic decisions, is no way to operate a production.
So, moving forward on any production in which Skyphire Entertainment is in charge, we will be scheduling actors and crew to sensible schedules regardless of effect to our project. Fortunately, Inimicus is an 18-page script taking place in one location over three days. Scheduling appropriate on-set times for this project should not be a problem.
We are always learning and trying to make our productions better. I like to think I am always evolving too. I am a hard worker by nature and want to finish as much as possible in the times allotted to me. But people are far more important than tasks - even on something as amazing as a film set. The people that join our team become family. At the end of the day, no matter how the film turns out, it's these types of interactions that we remember in the years and decades ahead. And that's worth taking a little more time, or having a little more rest, between shoots.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note, and for your interest in our project.
Thomas Gidlow
Skyphire Entertainment

©2022 Skyphire Entertainment. All rights reserved.
Skyphire Entertainment is an independent film production company dedicated to creating original, inspiring, and thought-provoking entertainment across various platforms. All information on this website is provided in relation to our short film titled “INIMICUS” and is protected under the copyright and intellectual property laws of the United States.
Any unauthorized use, including but not limited to duplication, copying, and/or transmission of the content on this website, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Skyphire Entertainment and/or its electors is strictly prohibited. Anyone found to be in violation of this statement will be subject to prosecution within US law.
Non-casting and/or business-related questions or comments:
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