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The Housewives of Hamilton County
Four women (all played by the same actress) deal with isolation from the Covid-19 outbreak - along with growing increasingly tired of one another.
Meet The Person Leading The Series
The Housewives of Hamilton County web series follows the lives of four women, all played by Shelia Wofford. This county in Chattanooga, Tennessee serves as the perfect backdrop as these women struggle and ultimately reach their limit with each other while in isolation at their homes during Covid-19 outbreak.
Shelia Wofford writes, directs, and stars in this one-woman show. Shelia has written and directed films including Michael Valentine and Treasure. She has appeared in several featured and short films, television network TV shows, and is a professional theater actress where she has also written and directed 10 stage play productions.
Shelia is the owner of Live to Inspire Productions film company.
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