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CLICK HERE for a quick history of our 'Camisado' production.

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CASTING PART TWO - Episodes 2-10

Paid, non-union roles available for Episodes #2 through #10 of Camisado, a TV series filming in 2022.

Casting for all roles is open to anyone within the appropriate age-range of the character, regardless of ethnicity (unless otherwise stated). Since this is a series set in a fictitious universe, we want our characters to be performed by the actor or actress who is best for the role, whoever that may be.

This casting notice is not what you may be used to. This is done on purpose. Too often, actors are left asking innumerable questions about a production - we aim to give you all of the details we possibly can so you can make an informed decision.

Our character breakdowns are a vision of the available characters. As you saw in the trailer above, however, our actors have made these roles their own. We give you plenty of material to help you arrive at the character's doorstep - much more than just a couple of sides. It's your job to walk through it.

Finally, we will answer every submission we receive. This is a pillar of our company and something we believe very strongly about: everyone deserves a response and basic human respect. We do not believe in the 'turnstile' nature of casting. If you took the time to submit, we will take the time to respond.

Even if you don't think you're perfect for a role, submit anyway. There may be additional casting periods beyond this phase, and we are always interested in adding driven individuals to our growing network of talented professionals.




Film, edit, and score the pilot episode



Submit pitch deck w/pilot and sizzle reel to streamers



Secure budget for full S1 production (and possibly S2)

The original concept of our project was to film six short episodes and air them on YouTube (a channel with 350,000 subscribers) to gain a following, and then leverage that following into production of future seasons.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we filmed 75% of the material we needed (it was shot 'cinematically', not episodically) before halting production. We've spent the past year plotting a way forward for this project, and through tons of quality research and discussion, we honed in on the plan above.

We feel putting together a high-quality pilot, coupled with a well-researched and designed pitch deck, plus a sizzle reel using formerly shot footage, will give us the ammunition needed to secure a scaled budget from a streaming service or distribution channel for full Season 1 production (and possibly Season 2 as well).



Suffering from a tragic loss, a wounded mother must confront her personal inhibitions to navigate a world of deception and fleeting loyalties on her road to redemption. Set against the backdrop of intrigue and raw emotion, "Camisado" is heavy with timely action, high drama, and dynamic characters. Our universe is unique in how it presents the characters – particularly the main character and her wife (yes, we said her wife).



Within the “Camisado” universe, characters are depicted as strong, independent, and confident in who they are. The main character is married to a retired military woman who has been recruited to work for a logistics company. None of the people in our story see this as anything but normal, as it should be in real life. No one is denigrated for being "different" - in "Camisado", characters find strength in their convictions and interact with others on a truly equal footing.



Too often in today’s cinema, people of various ethnicities, relationship statuses, and disabilities are stereotyped or otherwise misrepresented. Presenting strong characters who are recognized by others for who they are – instead of what society may label them as – is a fundamental aspect of our approach. This is done throughout "Camisado" as an underlying message about true inclusion, and to paint a hopeful future for our society as a whole.


Apr/May 2022

Summer 2022

Fall 2022


Reading the entirety of this page is paramount to knowing all we can possibly share about this project. To this point, make sure the above Phases are understood - it is quite possible that Episodes 2-10 (which covers the roles available in this Casting Notice) may not film until late 2022, or early/mid 2023.

Please keep this in mind before submitting. Thank you!

Submit Roles


We are very excited and look forward to working with highly talented and driven actors who have purpose and know what they want from their pursuits.

We strongly encourage the importance of reading this page and all related materials and documents in full before you submit.

We want to be 100% transparent with you about every aspect of this project. As well, we want you engaged every step of the way through this process.

SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to the expected overwhelming number of applicants, please be patient as it relates to our response times. Remember, there may be additional Casting Calls coming later this year as well.

Download this Casting Notice PDF, read the cover page, and the Available Role details.



Download this Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA). We would prefer you print it, complete, sign, and then scan and save as a PDF document. We will accept digitally completed NDA's, as long as your signature is authentic.

Attach the completed NDA to an email, and send it along with the following information, to


Role Desired
Headshots (2-3 preferred)
First and Last Name
City/State of Residence
Demo Reel or Video of Work
IMDb Link
Social and/or website link(s)
What attracted you to our project?
Failure to submit all of the above-requested info may result in a lack of consideration.

Those chosen for consideration will be provided a follow-up email with Audition Instructions where applicable. All submissions will receive a response.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us.



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Pay Details

All available cast roles include monetary pay (see "PAID-TBD" note below), including a travel stipend, where applicable. Click the Casting Notice linked above for the specific details on pay for each role available.



All available cast roles also include other forms of compensation, including demo reel material of their work, production stills (with a 'Grant of Use' document), individual promotion on social media, and a non-public digital copy of the completed pilot. IMDb credit will be provided for all roles EXCEPT for Background and Extra positions.



Lodging and transportation during production will be available for some of the available roles. Again, those details are included in the Casting Notice linked above.



All cast must sign an Actor Release Agreement and Contract (ARAC) in order to participate in our production. These are fully-binding agreements that guarantee delivery of promised items, as well as to serve to protect the production in case of a breach. Our contracts will include language that gives actors and the production company leeway when it comes to the pandemic or any other instance out of yours and our control.

All monetary pay is listed as "PAID-TBD" on the Casting Notice. Paid compensation will be discussed after our pilot has been procured and will be based on the typical budgets for an independently produced first-run series being housed on a major streaming service or channel. 



We will be filming the vast majority of Season 1 in and around the Raleigh, NC area. It is possible that part of Episodes 4 and 5 (Sonora: Part 1 and 2) may be filmed elsewhere. Updates are provided regularly to the cast as production nears, and all will be informed should anything change relating to locations.


Filming Dates

We are aiming to film the pilot episode over 10 consecutive days in the Spring of 2022. However, due to the nature of the ongoing pandemic, it's possible filming may be delayed to a later date. To be honest, we just cannot say for certain right now. The safety of our cast and crew is paramount to any filming or project concern.

Filming for Episodes 2 through 10 will not begin any sooner than the Fall of 2022 - and may film as late as mid-2023. But we do realize actors' calendars are starting to fill back up, so we wanted to start this process now in order to ensure we can retain the best possible talents for the roles available - and to make sure we're ready with the cast signed on to contend with any scenario that may occur.

A final note on dates (this will also be built into contracts): We will work with you if any scheduling conflicts arise. We understand the climate these days is insane, and we know it's tough at best to maneuver this business in the best of times. If you're signed on to our project, you're part of our family. That means we will go to the mat for you to the best of our ability.


Union Status

The pilot is being shot as a non-union production. This means any non-union, SAG-AFTRA-E, and/or FiCore actors are welcome to submit for any role. Depending on the procurement phase of our project, it's possible this status may change for the filming of the rest of Season 1 and/or subsequent seasons.



We are hopeful that by the Spring of 2022, we will all be in a much different situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are also realistic. We will not start production unless it is clearly safe to do so.

Regardless of how things shake out over the next year and beyond, we would rather be overly cautious than not when it comes to safety and the lives of the people in our production family. We will, of course, keep monitoring the situation and will provide consistent updates along the way.

NOTE ON VACCINES: We highly encourage everyone who is able to get a Covid-19 vaccine. This is the best way currently known to dramatically decrease the effects of the virus. Depending on the landscape of things in 2022, it may be necessary for our production to require everyone involved in the series to have been vaccinated prior to filming. However, this situation is obviously fluid, and we will continue to update our cast and crew throughout.


Available Roles

For a complete listing of all roles and details, please download the Casting Notice PDF linked in the submission section. At the start of Part Two of our casting process, we have one (1) guest star role, two (2) 'day player' roles, twenty-eight (28) featured background roles, and sixteen (16) background roles available for Episodes 2 through 10.

©2021 Skyphire Entertainment. All rights reserved.


Skyphire Entertainment is an independent film production company dedicated to creating original, inspiring, and thought-provoking entertainment across various platforms. All information on this website is provided in relation to our TV series titled “CAMISADO” and is protected under the copyright and intellectual property laws of the United States.


Any unauthorized use, including but not limited to duplication, copying, and/or transmission of the content on this website, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Skyphire Entertainment and/or its electors is strictly prohibited. Anyone found to be in violation of this statement will be subject to prosecution within US law.

Non-casting and/or business-related questions or comments:

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